Thursday, September 24, 2015

Why Hire a Party Planner?

Planning a party or event?
It’s widely assumed that party or event planners are either too expensive or not necessary (perhaps even a combination of the two). Why not just do it yourself? That’s what Pinterest is for, right? 
Well maybe there are a few things you haven’t considered....
Here are 5 REASONS hiring a party planner 

  Probably the most common reason why people are turned off to the idea of hiring a party planner is the cost. While you will have to compensate the planner for their services, their job is to create a party based on YOUR budget and they’re good at it. Experienced planners know where and how to cut corners without skimping on quality. They have personal and business relationships with vendors and can get you discounts on products and other services. They’ve already done the shopping around. They know where you can get the best deal and the best price.

  There’s the planning and designing, there’s shopping to be done, decorations to be made, venue to reserve, food to be arranged, invitations to be sent out and all while staying on a realistic budget. All these things are essential to create a party or an event and all these things are incredibly overwhelming all at once. It takes hours out of an already busy schedule to address each element to a party, but with a planner the majority of those stresses are alleviated immediately! You’ll have a partner who works quickly and efficiently to arrange all the details of your event and takes your ideas and desires and makes them happen. They work for YOU. 

  DIY’s are popular, especially with the growth of Pinterest and other social media sites, but some aren’t so easy to recreate and rarely turn out like the pictures (have you ever seen “Pinterest Fails”?). That often leads to wasted time and loss of money. Avoid the fails. Hire a party planner. They have an eye for design. They have expansive creativity and may think of things you wouldn’t have before. They have the resources and skill to create custom looks for an affordable price.  

   Party planners need to advertise and to advertise their expertise, they need pictures for their portfolio. They will either have a partner that will take pictures (with your permission) at the event to use for their website and social media or they will have a quality camera of their own to use. They will know just the right angles and areas to photograph, giving you some awesome ideas for your own photography of the event. Sometimes planners include pictures in their services. That’s a huge plus!

   In all the madness of planning the party, setting it up, keeping the punch bowl and food trays full, initiating the party games, etc, it’s hard to enjoy yourself! Did you even have time to grab a slice of cake for yourself? It’s not even enjoyable! If you hire a party planner, those days are over! Planners take over those responsibilities and that allows YOU to sit back and enjoy your perfect event, STRESS FREE. 

All these and more are perfect reasons for hiring a planner for your next party or event. 

Have you ever hired a party planner? How was your experience? What other points would you add to this list? I'd love to hear your opinions!

Thanks for reading! 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Harry Potter Birthday Party

Am I the only one who hoped and dreamed they’d receive that letter from Hogwarts when they were eleven years old? Convinced that the wizarding world was real? Wanted to hop a plane to London? Yeah, I have a feeling I’m not then only one. So when the opportunity came to me to do a Harry Potter birthday party, I jumped on that like a Nimbus 2000! 
Party Specifics
Here is a quick overview of this party!
The budget was $75-$100
The guest list included 16 witches and wizards.
Theme – Harry Potter/Hogwarts
Color Scheme – Burgundy, white, gold, & black
   Food – Lightning bolt cupcakes, frozen crème puffs, butter beer, & Honeydukes sweets
Games and Activities - House sorting, House points throughout party, House badge decorating, Harry Potter Bingo, & Quidditch
Party Favors - Handmade wands 

Before we venture off to Hogwarts, we’ll need a few things from our supply list!

“All students must be equipped with……
...a wand
…and they bring if they desire
 either an owl, a cat, or a toad."
All you’ve got to do is walk straight at the wall
between platforms 9 and 10.
Best to do it at a bit of a run, if you’re nervous.”
(You just read that in Mrs. Weasley’s voice didn’t you?)
Welcome to Hogwarts!

“Professor McGonagall” (aka the birthday boy’s mom) sorted each student into their houses and had them decorate their own house badges. She kept track of good behavior and gave each house points toward the house cup for the most participation and creativity.
The 4 houses were divided into 2 teams. They competed for points toward the house cup in a game of Harry Potter bingo and a friendly match of quidditch!
Hufflepuff won the House Cup!
To celebrate, the students went to “Hogsmeade”
 and visited their favorite shop for sweets,

Our journey to Hogwarts is coming to an end.
*throw balck caps into the air, now*
It was so fun to see the kids’ excitement as they walked into the Great Hall, tasted Butter Beer for the first time, and score a goal in Quidditch. But the best part of all was putting a little magic into a young boy’s birthday.
I hope it’s one he will not soon forget!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

DIY Harry Potter Wands

These DIY Harry Potter wands make the perfect prop to go with any Harry Potter costume, awesome party favors at a Harry Potter party, or a special gift for any Harry Potter lover! Here's how to get realistic looking wands for about $2 each! 

Here is what you will need:

3'/16" Wooden Dowels. You can find them at any craft store. I got these at Walmart for $0.97.

Hemp. ($5 at Walmart)

Hot glue. I used my mini hot glue gun. I felt like it was easier to control when detailing each wand. My mini hot glue gun uses mini (shorter) glue sticks. The ones I got were $0.97 for a pack of 10.

Pam or anything that you can use to grease your fingers so they don't stick to the glue. I'll explain more about that later. This can cost me $2.58.

Ok, let's get started!

For this wand, we're going to make a spiral design. 
To do that, put a little hot glue on the tip of the dowel and push the end of a strand of hemp into it and let it harden.

Next, wrap the strand of hemp around the dowel like so. 
Then hot glue at the bottom to keep in place. 

To make the handle, start by turning the soon-to-be wand horizontally and apply hot glue from left to right. Turn the wand and repeat until the entire end of the dowel is covered in a thick layer of hot glue. Apply layers as needed until you reach desired thickness.

Here's where the Pam comes in handy. After you let the hot glue cool a little (not too much that it starts to harden) spray some Pam on your fingers and gently press into the glue to shape. Reapply grease as needed so your fingers don't stick to the glue. 

To get a rounded end on the wand, apply a blob of hot glue to it and hold it up like so and then flip it SLOWLY the opposite end down . Repeat this motion until the glue begins to dry. Press greased fingers into glue to shape. 

As you can see, I did it twice for this wand.

I did a variety of designs to give each wand a unique feel.
All these need now is a nice, generous coat of spray paint and they'll be looking like they just came from Ollivanders!


Paint makes a huge difference!
Any semi-gloss brown or black spray paint will work just fine. Each can cost me $3. Each wand only needed 1-2 coats. I still have lots of spray paint left over for the next project!

There are so many ways to make each wand unique and perfect 
for each witch or wizard! 

Nothing is better than the original, but I tried!
Here is my take on the Elder Wand.


Check out more DIY's, awesome decor finds and fun party ideas here!: